Cupid is Stupid

What is love!
One of the most FAQs and one that has thousands of answers to it πŸ˜•. Many have tried to describe it based on feelings experienced by the "Love Gurus"..

The one-sided love:

Image result for cupid funny
Cupid is Drunk
He hits one and completely misses the other. We all have experienced it in our life and asked, “How can he/she not feel what I’m feeling?!”
As per Greek mythology, Cupid carries two kinds of arrows: one with a sharp golden point, and the other with a blunt tip of lead. A person wounded by the golden arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire, but the one struck by the lead feels aversion and desires only to flee. 
Take solace form the fact that u have a golden heart and your crushes have lead. 😈

Unrequited love is fucking tragic.  Yet what could be more romantic?
An "untried" love is virtually without limits as never really having begun.
The love is distant, uninterested, unavailable, or unapproachable—an object of indefinite idealization.
Writers have transformed these feelings into popular songs. Examine the lyrics -- these are not just melodrama, rather the power of this unrequited love.

I believe that it's awesome to have people adore you, but it's exhausting too!!... particularly when your own feelings don't match theirs… understand the fact that this person would prefer, and would in fact be happier, with someone.
And if you can also truly feel happy for that person while you have to let him/her go with someone else, then, I think, that is more than enough proof of true love. 

Redamancy ones:
Image result for cupid funny
Cupid is Stupid
It’s just like going to an exotic place to lose my mind and end up finding my soul.
Love is not a feeling. Love is a decision that we make. It’s a commitment with each other without which love ceases to exist.
It thrives with the ups and lows of life. 
Romance or the Amor for the elite is just the icing on the cake.

It’s not love at first sight where we see only the good side of a person rather when we experience the not so good side of an individual... it happens over time. It’s always Work in find the love within. 

So what is more important -- to be loved or to be in Love.. In both the scenarios it's the reciprocation of it.
However, I do believe that before you love someone entirely, you do need to love yourself first. Otherwise we will all be in one-sided love. 
In a relationship we are “all” separated. If you don’t love yourself, it’s half of a relationship because one half is missing. Don't we owe it to the other person to be completely there?

In my opinion, I think we can’t love anyone, it’s impossible.. the entire concept of love is a make-believe lie. But yes, we can be kind selectively, we can care about someone without the fear of opening up to that person and getting hurt, we can give more priority to that other person's happiness over our own. 
Isn't this easier to believe in this logic and be more resilient?

