#Identity: Fitting In or Standing Out !!

Instance in life makes you think.... Am I Normal or Logical(Abnormal is a Misnomer).
Simple instances of a friendly chat makes u contemplate.
Hence here go my first #blog and hopefully first of many (Fingers Crossed)

First blog: Question of How, What, When and Where??? 

Once the initial page was set up, ended up calling up some pseudo-intellectual personalities to find out what a blog page is all about!!
Some key observations:
  • Deep personal insights. They don’t dance around the details or include vague references to their authors’ experiences. Rather, they pull the reader in emotionally, painting a vivid picture of a universal, relatable life experience:Ironic!!!  
  • Actionable. The advice seems cliché or oversimplified. My personal experience may inspire u but make you understand yourself at a deeper level seems like an oxymoron.
In-spite of such provoking thought(Wink!!) i ended up setting up a page, pen down my thoughts to share, understand and contemplate.(Ironic indeed)

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”  ~EE Cummings

Simple Game Plan: Have a decent degree, get a job ,find a decent girl and settle down. 

"Career" and the "Pursuit of happiness"(Money, Status, LinkedIn page) makes you think. 

Buying things makes you happy or sharing them makes you happy???   This sharing is not the one taught to us by our elders rather the new animal within us which is Virtual Social nowadays 😉.

Being busy is a sign of success...or posting the busy being a sign of success..??

So I did all those things to be normal, and for awhile, I denied the things that would make me feel successful or important. As a result, I was in touch with who i was rather than live up to some perceptions of the world.

However, here's the clincher: We all are people pleasers - In the effort to fit in, we test our authenticity and that takes us further away from who we are with this pressure to be something else. Whether we deny ourselves to fit in or push ourselves to stand out, we’re having to be someone else...

I want to be me and find others who were themselves, but I also needed to find out who that ‘me’ was. 

So, to either "Fit In" or "Stand Out" I pen my thoughts!!
Is it that simple to have authenticity??

For now at-least its satisfying my ego.. 


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