करुणा- in the times of Corona

It was supposed to be Rat year based on Chinese Zodiac calendar, however turns out be Bat..more specifically Horseshoe Bat. For a change this challenging times have made families come together and most importantly it was clear what is most important. Upon the lock-down all ran to get the most important thing for us-Food and Shelter. Instagram traffic slowed down, Facebook check-ins literally stopped. On a lighter note waiting for some posts where people tag themselves checking-in to Quarantine zones. However, we have the most misinformation medium still active- Whats-app.. a discussion for some other day.

With most of the population in self isolation/home confinement for 21 days the Public service broadcaster decided to re-telecast the most iconic content ever played on Television: at-least for my generation. 
These stories though being mythological but still so contemporary in 2020. The plot of the epic tale – a living, breathing story that impacts Indian mind on its main the concept of righteous behavior.
This piece would like to instill some Sita devotion within us.

Context of 2 cities in India:

Ayodhya: After 9th Nov 2019 the city already in limelight will continue to gain more space in minds and hearts of people -The Birth place of Shri-Ram. 
SitamarhiRoughly 250 miles from Ayodhya, away from the lime light, this town has lost its importance and sheen it deserves-The Birth place of Sita. We have ignored Sita in Sitamarhi for decades now.
Undoubtedly Sita is being ignored while Lord Ram is being politicized. Ironically, the first big push for the Ayodhya temple came in the form of a Ram-Janaki rath yatra in September 1984, launched from Sitamarhi. 
It was widely expected to culminate in the liberation of the birthplace of both Sita and Ram.

Sita Ka Nidhan Then:
Sita has faded away from our memory. Why? Shouldn't she be given equal or far greater importance? 
Based on my understanding of the Ramayana... Sita's death was a tragic one.

In the last chapter of the Ramayana, 'Uttara Khand', when Luv, Kush and Sita finally reunited with Ram, Ram accepted his children. However, he refused to accept Sita after rescuing her from Ashok Vatika. She had to prove her purity again.
The idea of performing 'Agnipariksha' again, in front of all the courtiers and common folk came to her as an insult. She lost all desires to live. Therefore, she appealed to her mother Earth, to take her back. So, Bhumi Devi heard her appeal and took her daughter along with her, back to the Earth.
Sita Ka Nidhan Now:
With equal educational opportunities, more and more women are stepping out of their traditional roles of daughter-in-law/wife/ mother, and are joining the workforce. The most significant problems of working mothers start when they have to go to work, leaving behind their child. 
Even if the child is taken care of by someone, the mother’s finds herself asking the same question, thousand times, “Am I doing the right thing by leaving behind my child for the sake of my career?” -FOMO
Get up early before the child gets up.
Ensure that the child is ready to go to school.
If the child is not well, the mom has to take her to the clinic.
Look after the daily needs of the child and ensure that they are properly being taken care of. 

Achieving perfection and bring results within the deadlines.
Facing the taunting comments of her colleagues for flexi-hours.
Pseudo- discussion on diversity.

In some rarest of rare situations, if she is lucky enough, she may have the support of her spouse and other family members. Otherwise, she has to face these challenges alone.

Women in work-space make us men civil and cultured.. Introspect during this lock-down are we doing enough to support my colleagues, spouse or SITA of this day and age.
I believe that daughters of working mothers will grow up to be more successful in the workplace than their peers and men raised by working mothers will be more likely to contribute towards household chores.

करुणा तथा सहानुभूति!!!

                                      जयश्री सीता राम
