करुणा- in the times of Corona
It was supposed to be Rat year based on Chinese Zodiac calendar, however turns out be Bat..more specifically Horseshoe Bat. For a change this challenging times have made families come together and most importantly it was clear what is most important. Upon the lock-down all ran to get the most important thing for us-Food and Shelter. Instagram traffic slowed down, Facebook check-ins literally stopped. On a lighter note waiting for some posts where people tag themselves checking-in to Quarantine zones. However, we have the most misinformation medium still active- Whats-app.. a discussion for some other day. With most of the population in self isolation/home confinement for 21 days the Public service broadcaster decided to re-telecast the most iconic content ever played on Television: at-least for my generation. These stories though being mythological but still so contemporary in 2020. The plot of the epic tale – a living, breathing story that impacts India...